Configuration file

Andy HsuConfigConfigSettingsAbout 5 min

Initial config


After modifying the configuration file in config.json, you need to restart AList to take effect

  • Windows/Mac: data/config.json in the same level folder as AList
  • Linux: One-click Script /opt/alist/data/config.json, manually install /xx-path/data/config.json
  • Docker: Enter the docker container, data/config.json
  • openwrt: If you use Luci-APP-Alist, please modify on the webpage,other Please find the AList execution file, the same level directory data/config.json
  • Other: Find the data/config.json in AList executing files
  "force": false,
  "site_url": "",
  "cdn": "",
  "jwt_secret": "random_generated",
  "token_expires_in": 48,
  "database": {
    "type": "sqlite3",
    "host": "",
    "port": 0,
    "user": "",
    "password": "",
    "name": "",
    "db_file": "data\\data.db",
    "table_prefix": "x_",
    "ssl_mode": ""
  "scheme": {
    "address": "",
    "http_port": 5244,
    "https_port": -1,
    "force_https": false,
    "cert_file": "",
    "key_file": "",
    "unix_file": "",
    "unix_file_perm": ""
  "temp_dir": "data\\temp",
  "bleve_dir": "data\\bleve",
  "log": {
    "enable": true,
    "name": "data\\log\\log.log",
    "max_size": 10,
    "max_backups": 5,
    "max_age": 28,
    "compress": false
  "delayed_start": 0,
  "max_connections": 0,
  "tls_insecure_skip_verify": true

Field Description


The program will preferentially read the configuration from the environment variable, set force to true to force the program to read the configuration file.


The url of your alist site, such as address will be used in some places in the program, If you do not set this field, Some features may not work properly, such as:

  • thumbnail of LocalStorage
  • Preview after opening web proxy
  • The download address after opening the web proxy
  • Reverse proxy to sub directory
  • ...

Please do not include / at the end of the URL link, refer to the following example, otherwise the above function will also not be available or exceptions will occur

# Correct way of writing:
"site_url": "",
# Wrong way of writing:
"site_url": "",


The CDN address, if you want to use CDN, you can set this field, the $version will be replaced with the real version of alist-web This is dynamic and changeable. Existing dist resources are hosted on both npm and GitHub, and their locations are:

So you can use any npm or github cdn as the path, for example:

Also you can keep it empty to use local dist.


The secret used to sign the JWT token, random generated first time start.


User login expiration time, unit: hours.


The database configuration, the default is sqlite3, you can also use mysql or postgres.

  • If you do not use MySQL or postgres, the configuration file database options do not need to be modified
  "database": {
    "type": "sqlite3",  //database type
    "host": "",         //database host
    "port": 0,          //database port
    "user": "",         //database account
    "password": "",     //database password
    "name": "",         //database name
    "db_file": "data\\data.db",     //Database location, used by sqlite3
    "table_prefix": "x_",           //database table name prefix
    "ssl_mode": ""      //To control the encryption options during the SSL handshake, the parameters can be searched by themselves, or check the answer from ChatGPT below
Expand to view `ssl_mode` parameter options

If you don't know how to fill in, fill in the default blank, no need to modify, if you can't use it if you don't fill it in, do your own research, and you can't provide much effective help

In MySQL, the ssl_mode parameter is used to specify the authentication mode of the SSL connection. Here are a few common options:

  • DISABLED: Disable SSL connections.
  • PREFERRED: If the server has SSL enabled, use an SSL connection; otherwise use a normal connection.
  • REQUIRED: Must use SSL connection, if the server does not support SSL connection, the connection will fail.
  • VERIFY_CA: Must use SSL connection and verify the authenticity of the server certificate.
  • VERIFY_IDENTITY: must use an SSL connection and verify the authenticity of the server certificate and that the name matches the connecting hostname.

MySQL 5.x and 8.x are also different. If you use the free/fee database provided by the service provider, the service provider will have documentation. You must know the database you deploy yourself.

In PostgreSQL, the ssl_mode parameter is used to specify how the client uses SSL connections. Here are a few common options:

  • disable: Disable SSL connections.
  • allow: SSL connections are allowed, but not required.
  • prefer: If the server has SSL enabled, use an SSL connection; otherwise use a normal connection.
  • require: Must use SSL connection, if the server does not support SSL connection, the connection will fail.
  • verify-ca: Must use SSL connection and verify the authenticity of the server certificate.
  • verify-full: MUST connect using SSL and verify the authenticity and name of the server certificate matches the connected hostname.

⚠️⚠️The above parameters are from ChatGPT, the authenticity/practicability/accuracy has not been verified⚠️⚠️


The scheme configuration, if you want to use https, you can set this field.

  • Fill in the example: Remember to throw the certificate file into the data directory to be recognized~
  "scheme": {
    "address": "",   // The http/https address to listen on, default ``
    "http_port": 5244,      // The http port to listen on, default `5244`, if you want to disable http, set it to `-1`
    "https_port": -1,       // The https port to listen on, default `-1`, if you want to enable https, set it to non `-1`
    "force_https": false,   // Whether the HTTPS protocol is forcibly, if it is set to True, the user can only access the website through HTTPS
    "cert_file": "data\\cert.crt",  // Path of cert file
    "key_file": "data\\key.key",    // Path of key file
    "unix_file": "",        // Unix socket file path to listen on, default empty, if you want to use unix socket, set it to non empty
    "unix_file_perm": ""    // Unix socket file permission, set to the appropriate permissions


The temporary directory, default data/temp


temp_dir is a temporary folder exclusive to alist. In order to avoid program interruption and generate garbage files, it will be cleared every time it starts, so please do not manually put any content in this folder, and do not use this folder and its subfolders when using docker Folders are mapped to folders in use.


When you use bleve indexes, the location of the data storage


The log configuration, if you want to setup the log level, you can set this field.

  "log": {
    "enable": true,					//Whether to turn on the log record function, the default is to open the status true
    "name": "data\\log\\log.log",	//The path and name of the log file
    "max_size": 10,					//the maximum size of a single log file, in MB. After reaching the specified size, the file will be automatically split.
    "max_backups": 5,				//the number of log backups to keep. Old backups will be deleted automatically when the limit is exceeded.
    "max_age": 28,					//The maximum number of days preserved in the log file, the log file that exceeds the number of days will be deleted
    "compress": false				//Whether to enable log file compression functions. After compression, the file size can be reduced, but you need to decompress when viewing, and the default is to close the state false


Unit: s (V3.19.0 new function)

Whether to delay start, generally this function is often used in Alist to start the self -startup option

Because sometimes the network connection is slow, the driver that needs to be connected after the Alist is launched is too fast, so that it cannot be opened normally.


The maximum number of connections (concurrent) at the same time, the default is 0, that is, unlimited.

  • 10 or 20 is recommended for general equipment such as n1
    • Use scenarios (for example, if the picture mode is turned on, the device will crash if the concurrency is not very good)


Whether to examine the SSL certificate, if there is a problem with the certificate of the website used after opening (such as not including the intermediate certificate, certificate expiration, certificate forgery, etc.), the service will not be available,Close this option, please try to run the program in a safe network environment